Friday, June 16, 2017

Mosquitos and Grizzly Bears, oh my!

Running has always been my favourite discipline, but any chance to be outdoors and experience new things in nature is my true passion.  My friend and co-adventure buddy Hannah asked me to join in the CANOL doc project and I couldn't resist!
This year has been a whirlwind for myself and my family as we are building a new home and I am finishing up grad school but this "opportunity of a lifetime", as my friend Kiran put it, to join 4 other women adventurers on this amazing trip, in the remote north, was something I knew I could not pass up.
As the school year wraps up I am rushing around trying to figure out how the heck to carry all the food I know I am going to need, the equipment, the supplies, etc on my new bike! I have some biking experience, but nothing on this scale. Training has consisted of core workouts of pushups, burpees, lunges, squats, trail running and of course biking! Much reading about bike packing and list making have also taken up a lot of my time lately.
I admit I am a tad bit intimidated by the remoteness and the challenge ahead, but the thought of the unknown and that "fear" of what I don't know, of going outside of my comfort zone, that's what drives me. As I am meal planning and dehydrating food, training, gathering extra bike parts, thinking about the most effective bug and bear repellants, meeting with the other Canol chicks, etc. my favorite quote comes to mind:
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear..."

I can't wait!